PSR-16 implementations for WordPress that cache data in the object cache, as transients, as options, and as object metadata.

v0.1.0 2024-01-02 00:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-01 00:09:23 UTC


This library provides PSR-16 implementations for WordPress projects. It includes adapters for caching data in the object cache, as transients, as options, and as post, term, or other object metadata.


Install the latest version with:

$ composer require alleyinteractive/wp-psr16

Basic usage

All the adapters in this library implement the \Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface interface and have no other public API apart from their static constructors.


// Cache data using transients as the datastore.
$transient = \Alley\WP\SimpleCache\Transient_Adapter::create();

// Cache data using the object cache as the datastore.
$object_cache = \Alley\WP\SimpleCache\Object_Cache_Adapter::create();

 * Cache data using options as the datastore. The options are not autoloaded.
 * Using options as the datastore can be slower than using transients or the
 * object cache, but items are never evicted like in Memcache or Redis.
$option = \Alley\WP\SimpleCache\Option_Adapter::create();

 * Cache data using object metadata as the datastore. This allows cache items to
 * be associated with a specific post, term, or other object that supports metadata.
 * For example, you could cache an individual post's related posts. Like options,
 * using metadata as the datastore can be slower, but items are never evicted.
$post_meta   = \Alley\WP\SimpleCache\Metadata_Adapter::for_post( 123 );
$term_meta   = \Alley\WP\SimpleCache\Metadata_Adapter::for_term( 123 );
$user_meta   = \Alley\WP\SimpleCache\Metadata_Adapter::create( 'user', 123 );
$custom_meta = \Alley\WP\SimpleCache\Metadata_Adapter::create( 'custom', 123 );

Implementation details

WordPress returns scalar values in the option and metadata database tables as strings, which is incompatible with PSR-16's requirement that data be returned from the cache "exactly as passed [including] the variable type."

This library works around the default behavior of the database by serializing and unserializing values when they are saved to and retrieved from storage, which has some side effects:

  • Cached items are stored in a custom array structure that includes the serialized value.
  • Cache keys are stored with a prefix to avoid giving the impression that the cache key as passed to the adapter can be used to retrieve the original value using WordPress APIs directly.
  • The custom array structure includes the item's expiration time, which allows option and metadata adapters to support TTLs.

The \Alley\WP\SimpleCache\PSR16_Compliant decorator class is responsible for ensuring PSR-16 compatibility with respect to data types, expiration times, legal cache keys, and other requirements of the specification. You are free to use this decorator with your own cache adapters or with those of another library.


  • The transient, option, and metadata adapters do not support the clear() method.
  • The transient, option, and metadata adapters do not support saving binary data. Consult with the provider of your persistent object cache drop-in to determine whether it supports saving binary data.
  • The metadata adapter bypasses type-specific functions like get_post_meta() in favor of underlying functions like get_metadata() for compatibility with other metadata functions like metadata_exists().





Alley Interactive