
Integration tests for PSR-6 and PSR-16 cache implementations

0.17.0 2020-11-03 12:52 UTC


PSR-6 and PSR-16 Integration tests

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This repository contains integration tests to make sure your implementation of a PSR-6 and/or PSR-16 cache follows the rules by PHP-FIG. It is a part of the PHP Cache organisation. To read about us please read the shared documentation at


composer require --dev cache/integration-tests:dev-master


Create a test that looks like this:

class PoolIntegrationTest extends CachePoolTest
    public function createCachePool()
        return new CachePool();

You could also test your tag implementation:

class TagIntegrationTest extends TaggableCachePoolTest
    public function createCachePool()
        return new CachePool();

You can also test a PSR-16 implementation:

class CacheIntegrationTest extends SimpleCacheTest
    public function createSimpleCache()
        return new SimpleCache();


Contributions are very welcome! Send a pull request or report any issues you find on the issue tracker.