
Simple PHP Dependency Injection Container System

1.1.0 2016-04-18 12:23 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-28 15:08:24 UTC


Build Status

Version 2 of the SugiPHP Container implements ContainerInterface


# stable version (when available)
composer require sugiphp/container ~2.0

# development
composer require sugiphp/container ~2.@dev


Container is able to store two different data types: objects (services) and parameters.

Store values

$container = new Container();
// store a parameter
$container->set("param", "value");
// store an object
$container->set("pdo", function() {
	return new PDO("mysql:dbname=testdb;host=", "user", "pass");

Get previously stored values and objects

$container->get("param"); // returns "value"
$container->get("unset"); // will throw an NotFoundException
$db = $container->get("pdo"); // returns instance of a PDO (not the closure itself, but the result);
// later in a code...
$db1 = $container->get("pdo"); // returns the SAME instance of the PDO (not new instance!) ($db1 === $db)

// if you need a new instance of the PDO you can force it with factory() method
$db2 = $container->factory("pdo"); // returns new instance of the PDO.
// the second instance is not stored in a container, so if you use factory again
$db3 = $container->factory("pdo"); // you'll get third instance which is different from the instances above

$db4 = $container->get("pdo"); // will return same instance as the first one ($db4 === $db === $db1)

Always get fresh copies (new instances)

// Wrap closure in factory method
$container->set("rand", $container->factory(function() {
	return mt_rand();

$rand1 = $container->get("rand");
$rand2 = $container->get("rand");
// both values will differ (unless your are extremely lucky)

Get stored closures as they were stored

$closure = $container->raw("pdo"); // this will return the closure, not the result
// so you can invoke it and make a new PDO instance
$db = $closure();

Always get raw services

$container->set("name", $container->raw(function() {
	return "John";

is_string($container->get("name")); // FALSE
// actually it will return stored closure

Checking existence of a key

$container->set("param", "value");
$container->set("null", NULL);

$container->has("param"); // TRUE
$container->has("null"); // TRUE
$container->has("unset"); // FALSE

Deleting keys

To delete a previously stored key use delete($key) method

Overriding keys and locking them

// set a "name"
$container->set("name", "John");
$container->get("name"); // "John"
// override a "name"
$container->set("name", "John Doe");
$container->get("name"); // "John Doe"

// lock a key
// now if you try to override "name"
$container->set("name", "Foo Bar"); // will throw ContainerException
// or try to delete that key
$container->delete("name"); // will throw ContainerException

Note that there is no unlock() method.

Array Access

Container implements build in PHP ArrayAccess class, which means that you can store, fetch, check and delete values using array notation

$container["foo"] = "bar";
echo $container["foo"]; // prints bar
$container["pdo"] = function () {
    return new PDO("mysql:dbname=testdb;host=", "user", "pass");
$db = $container["pdo"]; // returns instance of the PDO class
// checking for existence
isset($container["foo"]); // TRUE
// delete a key
// checking for existence
isset($container["foo"]); // FALSE

Note that unlike typical arrays where trying to get a key which is not set will throw an error, container will remain silent and will return NULL.

You can use foreach construct as well.

Property Access

Container uses magic __set and __get methods to allow access via properties

$container->set("foo") = "bar";
$container["foo"] = "bar";
$container->foo = "bar";
// All of the above are doing the same job

$container->get("foo"); // "bar"
$container["foo"]; // "bar"
$container->foo; // "bar"