
This bundle aim to provide classes to build some form filters and then build a doctrine query from this form filter.

Installs: 162 959

Dependents: 6

Suggesters: 1

Security: 0

Stars: 21

Watchers: 2

Forks: 12



The LexikFormFilterBundle, a historical bundle, is now renamed to SpiriitFormFilterBundle. The code remains unchanged; only the name and organization have changed on GitHub.

This Symfony bundle aims to provide classes to build some form types dedicated to filter an entity. Once you created your form type you will be able to update a doctrine query builder conditions from a form type.

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The idea is:

  1. Create a form type extending from Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType as usual.
  2. Add form fields by using provided filter types (e.g. use TextFilterType::class instead of a TextType::class type) (*).
  3. Then call a service to build the query from the form instance and execute your query to get your result :).

(*): In fact you can use any type, but if you want to apply a filter by not using a XxxFilterType::class type you will have to create a custom listener class to apply the filter for this type.



The bundle can be installed using Composer or the Symfony binary:

composer require spiriitlabs/form-filter-bundle

Use it in two steps

create a form

namespace Project\Form\Filter;

use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver;
use Spiriit\Bundle\FormFilterBundle\Filter\Form\Type as Filters;

class RankFilterType extends AbstractType
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
        $builder->add('name', Filters\TextFilterType::class);
        $builder->add('rank', Filters\NumberFilterType::class);

use it in your controller

class DefaultController extends AbstractController
    public function __invoke(
    Request $request, 
    FormFactoryInterface $formFactory,
    EntityManagerInterface $em,
    FilterBuilderUpdater $filterBuilderUpdater
    ): Response
        $form = $formFactory->create(RankFilterType::class);


        $filterBuilder = $em

        $filterBuilderUpdater->addFilterConditions($form, $filterBuilder);

        // now look at the DQL =)

        return $this->render('testFilter.html.twig', [
            'form' => $form,


This Symfony bundle is compatible with Symfony 4.3 or higher.

For Symfony 2.8/3.4 please use tags v5.*

For installation and how to use the bundle refer to Resources/doc/index.md

  1. Installation
  2. Configuration
  3. Provided form types
  4. Example & inner workings
    1. Simple example
    2. Inner workings
  5. Working with the filters
    1. Customize condition operator
    2. Filter customization
    3. Working with entity associations and embeddeding filters
    4. Doctrine embeddables
    5. Create your own filter type
    6. Enable validation on your filter type
  6. The FilterTypeExtension
  7. Working with other bundles
    1. KNP Paginator example
  8. Real use case - Advanced usage with PagerFanta

Community Support

Please consider opening a question on StackOverflow using the spiriitformfilterbundle tag, it is the official support platform for this bundle.

Github Issues are dedicated to bug reports and feature requests.

For compatibility with Symfony 2.8 and 3.4

Please use last tag v5.*



This bundle is under the MIT license.
For the whole copyright, see the LICENSE file distributed with this source code.