
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the shikachuu/picolog package instead.

PSR-3 compatible logger library for PHP mostly based on a Go project rs/zerolog.

0.2.5 2020-11-10 00:00 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-10-30 07:29:43 UTC


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PSR-3 compatible, opinionated logger library for PHP mostly based on the Go project rs/zerolog and the PHP project Seldaek/monolog.

This library has been built, because I mostly felt like interpolation for json log strings can't provide as much flexibility, and are harder to filter on than additional fields. Since the json syntax provides it, we should use it's full potential.


composer require shikachuu/jogger

Features and Examples

Time formats:

Jogger supports 2 types of date formats:

  • ISO8601 $logger->setTimeFormatISO8601();
  • Unix timestamp $logger->setTimeFormatUnix();

Additional, chained fields:

Jogger, just like zerolog, supports a number of primitive types (int, float...) and non-primitive types (currently only array) as additional fields next to the almost standard message and timestamp. These fields are also chainable (they have fluent return values).


use Jogger\Logger;
use Jogger\Output\StdoutOutput;

require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

$logger = new Logger("default", [new StdoutOutput("info")], "Europe/Budapest");
$logger->addString("name", "John")
    ->addFloat("favoriteNumber", 1.33)
    ->addArray("favoritePokemons", ["Lucario", "Terrakion", "Darkrai"])
    ->alert("New user created for role {role}", ["role" => "admin"]);

^ The log message of the code above is roughly going to look like this:

{"timestamp":"2020-10-28T21:13:40.909549+01:00","level":"alert","message":"New user created for role admin","name":"John","favoriteNumber":1.33,"favoritePokemons":["Lucario","Terrakion","Darkrai"]}


Zerolog has the ability to add Golang errors to your log messages. Since in PHP we mostly use Exceptions, Jogger has the ability to add any Exception that inherits from PHP's default \Exception class.


use Jogger\Logger;
use Jogger\Output\StdoutOutput;

require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

$logger = new Logger("default", [new StdoutOutput("error")], "Europe/Budapest");

try {
    throw new DomainException("Oh something went wrong", 2034);
} catch (DomainException $exception) {
    $logger->addException("domainError", $exception)->error("Failed to serve client");
    // do the error handling

^ This code's log message roughly going to look like this:

{"timestamp":1603916386,"level":"error","message":"Failed to serve client","domainError":{"exception":"DomainException","code":2034,"message":"Oh something went wrong","file":"\/usr\/src\/myapp\/index.php","line":13,"trace":"#0 {main}"}}

Output Plugins:

At this point I assume you noticed a pattern around line 9, there is an array with an Output. Jogger supports output plugins made by its users. In fact, it contains 4 by default:

  • NOOP for 'no operation', useful for testing or mocking something.
  • Stream for files and any PHP stream.
  • STDOUT for utilizing PHP's stdout stream. It is based on the Stream Output.
  • STDERR for utilizing PHP's stderr stream. It is based on the Stream Output.

In the constructor's array you have the ability to provide the loglevel, so you can use different outputs for different levels.

The core library shikachuu/jogger, currently does not accepts Pull Requests for more outputs, but it provides an interface, and an abstract base class to write your own solutions, and you are more than welcome to open a Pull Request to link your repository to the README file's plugins section.