
PHP PDO wrapper class.

1.3.0 2016-02-02 15:15 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-18 20:35:30 UTC


A PDO Wrapper Class.


With Composer (recommended):
$ composer require saturn/database


Define and set the following constants:

define("kHostname", "hostname"); // The hostname on which the database server resides.
define("kDatabase", "database"); // The name of the database.
define("kUsername", "username"); // The username.
define("kPassword", "password"); // The password.


Using Database is easy. Just include it (either manually or using Composer's loader), and create an instance by supplying the above constants. See below for more examples.

use saturn\database\Database;

$database = new Database($hostname, $database, $username, $password);

// Retrieve from the database
$SQLQuery = "SELECT SomeColumn FROM SomeTable";
$response = $database->read($SQLQuery);

// Insert into the database
$SQLQuery = "INSERT INTO SomeTable (SomeColumn) VALUES (:someValue)";
$SQLParam = array("someValue" => "Foobar");
$response = $database->write($SQLQuery, $SQLParam);


Below outlines the public methods of the Database class.

 *  Create the PDO instance and set the defaults attributes on the database handle.
 *  @param      string  Database hostname.
 *  @param      string  Database name.
 *  @param      string  Username.
 *  @param      string  Password.
public function __construct($hostname, $database, $username, $password) {}

 *  Run the supplied query. Only for fetching rows from
 *  the database.
 *  @param      string  Optional. The SQL query to execute.
 *  @param      array   Optional. Additional parameters to supply to the query.
 *  @param      bool    If true, fetches all matching rows. Defaults to TRUE.
 *  @return     array
public function read($query, $params = NULL, $shouldFetchAll = true) {}

 *  Run the supplied query. Only for adding rows to the the database.
 *  @param      string  Optional. The SQL query to execute.
 *  @param      array   Optional. Additional parameters to supply to the query.
 *  @return     array
public function write($query = NULL, $params = NULL) {}

 *  Return an array of error information about the last performed operation.
 *  @param      bool    Value determines if the errorInfo should be performed on the 
 *                      database handle or the statement handle.
 *  @return     array
public function error($connection = true) {}

 *  Execute the prepared SQL statement.
 *  @param      array   Optional. The input parameters.
 *  @return     mixed
public function execute($params = NULL) {}

 *  Fetch all the rows in the result set.
 *  @param      int     Optional. Value controls how the row should be returned. The value 
 *                      must be one of the FETCH_* constants. Defaults to: FETCH_ASSOC.
 *  @return     mixed
public function fetchAll($flags = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) {}

 *  Fetch the next row in the result set.
 *  @param      int     Optional. Value controls how the row should be returned. The value 
 *                      must be one of the FETCH_* constants. Defaults to: FETCH_ASSOC.
 *  @return     mixed
public function fetch($flags = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) {}

 * Prepares a statement for execution.
 *  @param      string  The SQL string.
 *  @return     bool
public function prepare($query) {}

 * Bind a value to a named or question mark placeholder
 * in the prepared SQL statement.
 *  @param      mixed   The parameter identifier. For named placeholder, this value must be a
 *                      string (:name). For a question mark placeholder, the value must be the
 *                      1-indexed position of the parameter.
 *  @param      mixed   The value to bind to the parameter.
 *  @param      int     Data type for the parameter, using the predefined PDO constants:
 *  @return     bool
public function bindValue($param, $value, $dataType) {}

 *  Bind a referenced variable to a named or question mark
 *  placeholder in the prepared SQL statement.
 *  @param      mixed   The parameter identifier. For named placeholder, this value must be a
 *                      string (:name). For a question mark placeholder, the value must be the
 *                      1-indexed position of the parameter.
 *  @param      mixed   Variable to bind to the parameter.
 *  @param      int     Data type for the parameter, using the predefined PDO constants:
 *  @return     bool
public function bindParam($param, &$variable, $dataType) {}

 *  Number of rows affected by last operation.
 *  @return     int
public function rowCount() {}

 *  Return the id of last inserted row.
 *  @return     int
public function lastInsertId() {}


Retrieving from the database:

// Prepare the query
$database->prepare("SELECT SomeColumn FROM SomeTable");

// Call the shorthand method read() to fetch the results
$response = $database->read();

// Because the read/write methods prepares the statement, the above code can be shortened:
$response = $database->read("SELECT SomeColumn FROM SomeTable");

// Retrieve a specific row like this:
$response = $database->read("SELECT SomeColumn FROM SomeTable WHERE id = :id", array("id" => $id));

Adding to the database:

$values = array(
  "ThisValue"  => "Foo!",
  "ThatValue"  => "Bar!"

$SQLQuery = "INSERT INTO SomeTable (someColumn, anotherOne) VALUES (:ThisValue, :ThatValue)";

// Bind the values that are to be inserted
$database->bindValue(":ThisValue", $values["ThisValue"]);
$database->bindValue(":ThatValue", $values["ThatValue"]);

$response = $this->write();

Deleting from the database:

$SQLQuery = "DELETE FROM SomeTable WHERE id = :id";
$SQLParam = array("id" => $id);
$response = $database->write($SQLQuery, $SQLParam);

A bit more complicated example:

$values = array(
    "ThisValue"  => "Foo 123",
    "ThatValue"  => "Bar 456"
    "ThisValue"  => "Foo 789",
    "ThatValue"  => "Bar 012"
    "ThisValue"  => "Foo 345",
    "ThatValue"  => "Bar 678"

// Create the unnamed placeholders, based on the number of values the row will take:
$markers = array_fill(0, count($values[0]), '?');
$markers = '(' . implode(", ", $markers) . ')';

// The number of placeholders must match the number of values that are to be inserted 
// in the VALUES-clause. Create the array with array_fill() and join the array with 
// the query-string.
$clause = array_fill(0, count($values), $markers);
$query  = "INSERT INTO SomeTable (someColumn, anotherOne) VALUES " . implode(", ", $clause);

// Bind the values using bindValue(). Using question marked placeholders, the value 
// must be 1-indexed, that is starting at position 1.
$index = 1;
foreach ($values AS $key => $value) {
  $this->bindValue($index++, $value['ThisValue']);
  $this->bindValue($index++, $value['ThatValue']);

// A more pretty and dynamic way to write the above statement could be by going
// by the columns of the array, like so:
$columns = array_keys($values[0]);
foreach ($values AS $key => $value) {
  foreach ($columns AS $column)
    $this->bindValue($position++, $value[$column]);

// And don't forget to write to database
$response = $database->write();


Database was written by Ardalan Samimi.