
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the rawr/phpunit-data-provider package instead.

Lightweight builder for PhpUnit data providers

3.0.0 2023-08-06 11:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-08-07 18:48:13 UTC



Helper for PhpUnit @dataProvider

Handy require-dev testing tool for PhpUnit. It allows to manage data providers with zip(), join(), cross(), pairs(), slice() and more.

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  1. Installation
  2. Overview
  3. Documentation
  4. Documentation
  5. Migration


Installation for PHP 7.1 and later:

composer require --dev rawr/phpunit-data-provider


DataProvider can be used to build, compose and edit data providers to be used with PhpUnit by @sebastianbergmann.


DataProvider::list() provides a list of elements. Test is invoked each time with a single argument.

 * @test 
 * @dataProvider colors
public function test(string $color): void {
  // your test here

public function colors(): DataProvider {
  return DataProvider::list("blue", "yellow", "red");


Additionally, DataProvider::list() names rows based on values.


Vertically join data providers together.

💡 Useful when two data providers are used in other tests, and a new test should use both of them.

 * @test 
 * @dataProvider colors
public function test(string $color, string $thing): void {
  // your test here

public function colors(): DataProvider {
  return DataProvider::join($this->natureColors(), $this->shadeColors());

public function natureColors(): DataProvider {
  return DataProvider::sets(
    ["blue", "sky"], 
    ["yellow", "sun"],
    ["red", "apple"]

public function shadeColors(): array {
  return [
    'hair' => ["gray", "hair"], 
    'ink' => ["black", "ink"],
    'dust' => ["lightgray", "dust"]



Horizontally join data providers together.

💡 Useful for keeping data providers clean and simple.

 * @test 
 * @dataProvider colors
public function test($blueColor, $blueThing, $yellowThing, $redThing): void {
  // your test here

public function colors(): DataProvider {
  return DataProvider::zip($this->blueThings(), $this->yellowThings(), $this->redThings());

public function blueThings(): DataProvider {
  return DataProvider::sets(
    ["blue", "pen"],
    ["light blue", "shirt"],
    ["deep blue", "ocean"]

public function yellowThings(): iterable {
  return DataProvider::list("sun", "apple", "lemon");

public function redThings(): iterable {
  yield ["apple"];
  yield ["cranberry"];
  yield ["car"];



Creates a square matrix of given data providers.

💡 Useful for testing all combinations of arguments.

 * @test 
 * @dataProvider shadedColors
public function test(string $shade, string $color): void {
  // your test here

public function shadedColors(): DataProvider {
  return DataProvider::cross($this->shades(), $this->colors());

public function shades(): iterable {
  return DataProvider::list("light", "standard", "dark");

public function colors(): array {
  return [
    ["blue"], ["yellow"], ["red"]



Calls test with two arguments. Each argument is paired with all of the other arguments.

Example shows a test paring image formats:

 * @test
 * @dataProvider formats
public function shouldConvertFile(string $from, string $to): void {
  // your test here

public function formats(): array {
  return DataProviders::distinctPairs('png', 'jpg', 'bmp');



Instantiates a DataProvider from a raw-array accepted by PhpUnit.

public function example(): DataProvider {
  return DataProvider::of($this->rawArray());

public function rawArrayDataProvider(): array {
  return [
    'key' => ['argument 1', 'argument 2']


Provide multiple arguments for each a test. DataProvider::sets() names each row based on the values.

 * @test 
 * @dataProvider colors
public function test(string color, string $thing): void {
  // your test here

public function colors(): DataProvider {
  return DataProvider::sets(
    ["blue", "sky"], 
    ["yellow", "sun"],
    ["red", "apple"]



Specify a single argument for test. DataProvider::dictionary() names each row based on the provided array key.

 * @test 
 * @dataProvider colors
public function test(string color): void {
  // your test here

public function colors(): DataProvider {
  return DataProvider::dictionary([
    "custom key 1" => "blue", 
    "custom key 2" => "yellow", 
    "custom key 3" => "red"  


In most cases, DataProvider::list() should probably be used over DataProvider::dictionary(). Method ::dictionary() is useful when the arguments are not self-explanatory, for example:

public function ports(): DataProvider {
  return DataProvider::dictionary([
    "http"  => 80, 
    "https" => 443, 
    "ftp"   => 21  



  • DataProvider accepts many provider types.
  • each builder method sets proper names for rows, based on values
  • properly handled duplicates in keys, formatting them in an informative manner
  • lazily evaluates iterators, calling them only once (even if the provider is used multiple times)


Creating new data providers:

  • DataProvider::list(), DataProvider::sets(), DataProvider::dictionary(), DataProvider::pairs(), DataProvider::distinctPairs()

Composing existing providers:

  • DataProvider::zip(), DataProvider::join(), DataProvider::cross(), DataProvider::of()

Editing existing providers:

  • DataProvider.slice(), DataProvider.drop()


DataProvider sets proper names for each row based on values.

 * @test 
 * @dataProvider colors
public function test(string color, string $thing): void {
  // your test here

public function colors(): DataProvider {
  return DataProvider::sets(
    ["blue", "sky"], 
    ["yellow", "sun"],
    ["red", "apple"]

names names


Example usage

DataProvider::cross() returns an instance of DataProvider which is a square matrix of input data providers.

 * @test
 * @dataProvider services
public function shouldLogin(string $service, string $method, int $port): void {
  // your test here

public function services(): DataProvider {
  return DataProvider::cross(
      ['github.com'], ['bitbucket.com'], ['gitlab.com'], ['sourceforge.net']
      ['http', 80],
      ['https', 443],
      ['ssh', 22]

This is equivalent of having a regular data provider that is composed of 12 entries, that look like this:

public function services(): array {
  return [
    ['github.com', 'http', 80],
    ['github.com', 'https', 443],
    ['github.com', 'ssh', 22],
    ['bitbucket.com', 'http', 80],
    ['bitbucket.com', 'https', 443],
    ['bitbucket.com', 'ssh', 22],
    ['gitlab.com', 'http', 80],
    ['gitlab.com', 'https', 443],
    ['gitlab.com', 'ssh', 22],
    ['sourceforge.net', 'http', 80],
    ['sourceforge.net', 'https', 443],
    ['sourceforge.net', 'ssh', 22],

DataProvider::cross() accepts data providers of different types: array, \Iterator, \IteratorAggregate, \Traversable, \Generator, iterable and DataProvider.

That means DataProvider can be composed together.

public function services(): DataProvider {
  return DataProvider::cross(
    DataProvider::list('github.com', 'bitbucket.com', 'gitlab.com', 'sourceforge.net'),
    DataProvider::sets(['http', 80], ['https', 443], ['ssh', 22]));

Advanced usage

DataProvider can be combined with other DataProviders as well as regular PhpUnit data providers.

 * @test
 * @dataProvider urls
public function test0(string $url): void {
  // your test here

 * @test
 * @dataProvider services
public function test1(string $url, string $name, string $method, int $port): void {
  // your test here

 * @test
 * @dataProvider allServices
public function test2(string $url, string $name, string $method, int $port): void {
  // your test here

public function urls(): DataProvider {
  return DataProvider::list('github.com', 'bitbucket.com', 'gitlab.com', 'sourceforge.net');

public function rawArrayProvider(): array {
  return [

public function services(): DataProvider {
  return DataProvider::cross(
    DataProvider::zip($this->urls(), $this->rawArrayProvider()),
      ['http', 80],
      ['https', 443],
      ['ssh', 22]));

public function allServices(): DataProvider {
  return DataProvider::join(

public function localServices(): array {
   return [
     'my local service' => ['localhost', 'local', 'http', '80']

Accepted types

DataProvider accepts any type of data provider:


Notes on DataProvider::join():

  • DataProvider::join() preserves names of each data provider, and also joins the names vertically. Duplicates in titles are preserved and presented appropriately.
  • DataProvider::join() accepts any type of data-provider.
  • DataProvider::join() is conceptually similar to calling \array_merge() on raw-array providers, but \array_merge() would override duplicate keys, while DataProvider::join() preserves duplicate keys, and titles them appropriately.
  • DataProvider::join() variadic arguments ...iterable and can be used to join many data providers
  • DataProvider::join() can only join data providers with the same amount of arguments in each row, otherwise IrregularDataProviderException is thrown.
  • DataProvider::join() accepts DataProvider or other iterable accepted by PhpUnit. If improper data-provider is passed, MalformedDataProviderException is thrown.

Notes on DataProvider::zip():

  • DataProvider::zip() preserves names of each data provider, and also joins them horizontally.
  • DataProvider::zip() accepts any type of data-provider.
  • DataProvider::zip() variadic arguments ...iterable and can zip many data providers
  • DataProvider::zip() can only zip data providers with the same amount of rows, otherwise IrregularDataProviderException is thrown. Additionally, each particular data provider must have the same amount of arguments in each row.
  • DataProvider::zip() accepts DataProvider or other iterable accepted by PhpUnit. If improper data-provider is passed, MalformedDataProviderException is thrown.

Note on DataProvider::pairs():

  • DataProvider::pairs() produces duplicate pairs (for example 'png', 'png'), while DataProvider::distinctPairs() only makes pairs of different arguments.

Note on DataProvider::sets():

  • DataProvider::sets() is similar to DataProvider::of(), but ::of() accepts an explicit name, while DataProvider::sets() titles the rows according to the values in the sets.

Migration from previous version

To use version 3.0.0, migrating from 2.4.0 or earlier:

  • Library namespace changed from \TRegx\DataProvider\ to \TRegx\PhpUnit\DataProviders\ .
  • Change \TRegx\DataProvider\DataProviders::cross() to \TRegx\PhpUnit\DataProviders\DataProvider::cross().
  • Change \TRegx\DataProvider\CrossDataProviders::cross() to \TRegx\PhpUnit\DataProviders\DataProvider::cross().
  • Change your data providers return type from array to iterable or \TRegx\PhpUnit\DataProviders\DataProvider.
  • Removed \TRegx\DataProvider\CrossDataProviders::builder(), use \TRegx\PhpUnit\DataProviders\DataProvider::cross() instead.