
Publishes and discovers artifacts across Puli packages.

1.0.0-beta9 2016-01-14 10:18 UTC


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Latest release: 1.0.0-beta9

PHP >= 5.3.9

The Puli Discovery Component supports binding of Puli resources to binding types. Binding types can be defined with the addBindingType() method of the EditableDiscovery interface:

use Puli\Discovery\Api\Type\BindingType;
use Puli\Discovery\Binding\Initializer\ResourceBindingInitializer;
use Puli\Discovery\InMemoryDiscovery;

$discovery = new InMemoryDiscovery(array(
    // $repo is a Puli\Repository\Api\ResourceRepository instance
    new ResourceBindingInitializer($repo),

$discovery->addBindingType(new BindingType('doctrine/xml-mapping'));

Resource Bindings

Resources in the repository can then be bound to the defined type by passing a ResourceBinding to addBinding():

use Puli\Discovery\Binding\ResourceBinding;

$discovery->addBinding(new ResourceBinding('/app/config/doctrine/*.xml', 'doctrine/xml-mapping'));

With findBindings(), you can later retrieve all the bindings for the type:

foreach ($discovery->findBindings('doctrine/xml-mapping') as $binding) {
    foreach ($binding->getResources() as $resource) {
        // do something...

The following Discovery implementations are currently supported:

Read the Resource Discovery guide in the Puli documentation to learn more about resource discovery.

Class Bindings

You can also bind classes to binding types. By convention, the common interface of all bound classes is used as binding type:

$discovery->addBindingType(new BindingType(Plugin::class));

Classes can be bound by adding ClassBinding instances:

use Puli\Discovery\Binding\ClassBinding;

$discovery->addBinding(new ClassBinding(MyPlugin::class, Plugin::class));

As before, use findBindings() to find all bindings for a binding type:

foreach ($discovery->findBindings(Plugin::class) as $binding) {
    $pluginClass = $binding->getClassName();
    $plugin = new $pluginClass();
    // do something...



Follow the Installation guide guide to install Puli in your project.


Read the Puli Documentation to learn more about Puli.


Contributions to Puli are always welcome!


If you are having problems, send a mail to bschussek@gmail.com or shout out to @webmozart on Twitter.


All contents of this package are licensed under the MIT license.