
Gizmo API wrapper for PHP

1.0.1 2016-07-04 15:43 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-18 20:46:32 UTC


Gizmo Application Management Platform API wrapper for PHP.


  1. Install composer

On Linux / Unix / OSX: curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php

On Windows: https://getcomposer.org/Composer-Setup.exe

Or follow instructions on https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md

  1. Install the package
composer require pisa\gizmo-api


The full API documentation at wiki

Quick usage

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Pisa\GizmoAPI\Gizmo;

$gizmo = new Gizmo([
    'http' => [
        'base_uri' => 'http://url_to_gizmo_api_here:8080',
        'auth'     => ['username', 'password'],

$host = $gizmo->hosts->get(1); // Gets the host model with id 1

$user = $gizmo->users->get(1); // Gets the user model with id 1


  • HostRepository: $gizmo->hosts
  • NewsRepository: $gizmo->news
  • ServiceRepository: $gizmo->service
  • SessionRepository: $gizmo->sessions
  • UserRepository: $gizmo->users

HostRepository methods

all([integer $limit = 30], [integer $skip = 0], [string $orderBy = NULL]): Get all model instances from repository

findBy(array $criteria, [boolean $caseSensitive = false], [integer $limit = 30], [integer $skip = 0], [string $orderBy = NULL]): Finds model instances by parameters

findOneBy(array $criteria, [boolean $caseSensitive = false]): Find one model entry by parameters

get(integer $id): Get model by id

getByNumber(integer $hostNumber): Gets hosts by number

has(integer $id): Check if model entry exists.

NewsRepository methods

all([integer $limit = 30], [integer $skip = 0], [string $orderBy = NULL]): Get all model instances from repository

findBy(array $criteria, [boolean $caseSensitive = false], [integer $limit = 30], [integer $skip = 0], [string $orderBy = NULL]): Finds model instances by parameters

findOneBy(array $criteria, [boolean $caseSensitive = false]): Find one model entry by parameters

get(integer $id): Get model by id

has(integer $id): Check if model entry exists.

ServiceRepository methods

getTime(): Returns current system time.

stop(): Stops the service

restart(): Restarts the service

getStatus(): Returns status of the service

getVersion(): Returns the service version

getModule(): Returns the service module information

getLicense(): Returns license information

getHardwareId(): Returns hardware id

getSettings(): Returns the service settings

SessionRepository methods

all([integer $limit = 30], [integer $skip = 0], [string $orderBy = NULL]): Get all model instances from repository

findActiveBy(array $criteria, [boolean $caseSensitive = false], [integer $limit = 30], [integer $skip = 0], [string $orderBy = NULL]): Finds active sessions by criteria

findActiveInfosBy(array $criteria, [boolean $caseSensitive = false], [integer $limit = 30], [integer $skip = 0], [string $orderBy = NULL]): Find active sessions with additional information by criteria

findBy(array $criteria, [boolean $caseSensitive = false], [integer $limit = 30], [integer $skip = 0], [string $orderBy = NULL]): Finds model instances by parameters

findOneActiveBy(array $criteria, [boolean $caseSensitive = false]): Finds one active session by criteria

findOneActiveInfosBy(array $criteria, [boolean $caseSensitive = false]): Find one active session with additional information by criteria

findOneBy(array $criteria, [boolean $caseSensitive = false]): Find one model entry by parameters

get(integer $id): Get model by id

getActive(): Get all active sessions

getActiveInfos(array $criteria, boolean $caseSensitive): Get all active sessions and additional information

has(integer $id): Check if model entry exists.

make(array $attributes): Make a new model

UserRepository methods

all([integer $limit = 30], [integer $skip = 0], [string $orderBy = NULL]): Get all model instances from repository

findBy(array $criteria, [boolean $caseSensitive = false], [integer $limit = 30], [integer $skip = 0], [string $orderBy = NULL]): Finds model instances by parameters

findOneBy(array $criteria, [boolean $caseSensitive = false]): Find one model entry by parameters

get(integer $id): Get model by id

has(integer $id): Check if model entry exists.

hasLoginName(string $loginName): Check if user LoginName exists.

hasUserEmail(string $userEmail): Check if user email exists.

hasUserName(string $userName): Check if user username exists.

BaseRepository methods

make(array $attributes): Make a new model

Host methods

UINotify(string $message, [array $parameters = array ()]): Send a message dialog to host

createProcess(array $startInfo): Create a new process

delete(): This method cannot be used. Host is deleted via the server service

getLastUserLoginTime(): Get the time of last user login

getLastUserLogoutTime(): Get the time of last user logout

getProcess(integer $processId): Get a single process by its id

getProcesses([array $criteria = array ()], [boolean $caseSensitive = false], [integer $limit = 30], [integer $skip = 0], [string $orderBy = NULL]): Get all processes running on the host

getProcessesByName(string $processName): Get all processes running on the host filtered by process name

isFree(): Checks if the host is free

isTurnedOn(): Shorthand for HasValidDispatcher attribute

setLockState(boolean $isLocked): Set the host to locked state

setOrderState(boolean $isInOrder): Set the host order state

setSecurityState(boolean $isEnabled): Set the host security state

terminateProcess(array $killInfo): Terminate processes

userLogout(): {@inheritDoc}

News methods

delete(): Delete the model

User methods

delete(): Delete the model

getLoggedInHostId(): Get the Host id where the user is logged in

isLoggedIn(): Check if user is logged in

lastLoginTime(): Get the time of last login to a host

lastLogoutTime(): Get the time of last logout from a host

login(\Pisa\GizmoAPI\Models\HostInterface $host): Log user in to a host

logout(): Log user out from a host

rename(\Pisa\GizmoAPI\Repositories\UserRepositoryInterface $repository, string $newUserName): Renames a user

save([\Pisa\GizmoAPI\Repositories\UserRepositoryInterface $repository = NULL]): Create or update the model

setEmail(\Pisa\GizmoAPI\Repositories\UserRepositoryInterface $repository, string $newEmail): Change the user email

setPassword(string $newPassword): Set new password for the user

setUserGroup(integer $groupId): Set user to a new user group

BaseModel methods

exists(): Check if model exists.

getInvalid(): Return attributes that doesn't pass the validator

getValidator(): Return the validator instance

getRules(): Returns the current validation rules

setRules(array $rules): Set the validation rules

mergeRules(array $rules): Merge new rules to the current validation rules

isSaved(): Check if model has saved all the changes


isValid(): Check that the model passes validation rules

load(array $attributes): Load model attributes and mark them as saved.

save(): Create or update the model

getPrimaryKeyValue(): Gets the value of the primary key

getPrimaryKey(): Gets the primary key

fill(array $attributes): Set all attributes. Use AttributeMutators if presented.

getAttribute(string $key): Get a single attribute

getAttributes(): Get all attributes

setAttribute(string $key, mixed $value): Set a single attribute. Use mutator if presented

toArray(): Alias for getAttributes


TODO: Write history


Jani "Zachu" Korhonen <jani.korhonen@hel.fi>