A friendly PHP tasks launcher.

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1.0.5 2019-08-13 03:11 UTC


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PHP Taskman


Taskman is a helper for running commands and tasks. It is shipped with a few simple default tasks.

It will help you in your every day life of setting up recurring tasks that you have to run in your projects.

Taskman is based on Robo and not tied to any framework or whatsoever.


  • PHP >= 5.6


composer require phptaskman/core


Taskman can be customized in different ways:

  1. By setting arguments and options when running a command.
  2. By providing default values in configuration files. Taskman will read the following files in the specified order. Options supplied in later files will override earlier ones:
    • The defaults provided by Taskman. This file is located inside the Taskman repository in config/default.yml.
    • taskman.yml.dist - project specific defaults. This file should be placed in the root folder of the project that depends on Taskman. Use this file to declare default options which are expected to work with your application under regular circumstances. This file should be committed in the project.
    • taskman.yml - project specific user overrides. This file is also located in the root folder of the project that depends on Taskman. This file can be used to override options with values that are specific to the user's local environment. It is considered good practice to add this file to .gitignore to prevent it from being accidentally committed in the project repository.
    • User provided global overrides stored in environment variables. These can be used to define environment specific configuration that applies to all projects that uses Taskman, such as database credentials and the Github access token. The following locations will be checked and the first one that is found will be used:
      • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/phptaskman/taskman.yml
      • $HOME/.config/phptaskman/taskman.yml

Optional packages



Then run a command:

./vendor/bin/taskman [NAME-OF-THE-COMMAND]


The documentation is not up to date, this is a never ending work in progress.

Taskman will run commands. Commands contains one or multiple tasks.

Commands or tasks can be defined using YAML or through code.

An example of custom command with some tasks in a taskman.yml.dist file:

    - ls -la
    - { task: "mkdir", dir: "foo" }
    - ls -la
    - { task: "run", command: "foo:remove" }
    - rm -rf foo
    - ls -la

As you can see, there are 2 custom commands that are defined: foo:foo and foo:remove.

Those commands contains tasks, 4 tasks for foo:foo and 2 tasks for foo:remove.

A task can be either a string or a well structured array.

Expose custom tasks in YAML

Let's use the same example and add a custom task in the YAML file.

    - ls -la

    - ls -la
    - { task: "mkdir", dir: "foo" }
    - ls -la
    - { task: "run", command: "foo:remove" }
    - rm -rf foo
    - { task: "baz" }

There are a few tasks that are supported by default in Taskman and provided by the phptaskman/core-tasks package.

Expose custom commands in YAML

Taskman allows you to expose new commands using a YAML file (taskman.yml.dist or taskman.yml). Commands can reference each other, allowing for complex scenarios to be implemented with relative ease.

  • Create a file taskman.yml or taskman.yml.dist in your project, and start adding commands:
    - echo "Hello"
    - echo "world !"
    - { task: "mkdir", dir: "foo" }
    - date -u

Taskman will automatically look into your package dependencies for such files automatically.

This means that you can create custom packagist packages containing your taskman.yml file with your custom commands.

Advanced custom commands

You can define also command options along with a custom command.

    description: Write a short description of your task here.
    help: Write a short help text here.
    # When you need to define command options, the list of tasks should be
    # placed under the 'tasks' key...
      - { task: "process", source: "behat.yml.dist", destination: "behat.yml" }
    # Add preconditions that are going to be evaluated before running the command.
    # If one of these preconditions does not return 0, the command is not run.
      - test -f .env
    # ...and option definitions are under the 'options' key.
      # The option name, without the leading double dash ('--').
        # Optional. If this key is present, the input option value is assigned
        # to this configuration entry. This a key feature because in this way
        # you're able to override configuration values, making it very helpful
        # in CI flows.
        config: behat.webdriver_url
        # Optional. You can provide a list of shortcuts to the command, without
        # adding the dash ('-') prefix.
          - wdu
          - wurl
        # The mode of this option. See the Symfony `InputOption::VALUE_*`
        # constants. Several options can be combined.
        # @see \Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption::VALUE_NONE
        # @see \Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED
        # @see \Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL
        # @see \Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY
        mode: 4
        # Optional. A description for this option. This is displayed when
        # asking for help. E.g. `./vendor/bin/run setup:behat --help`.
        description: 'The webdriver URL.'
        # Optional. A default value when an optional option is not present in
        # the input.
        default: null

Define global command options

You can define global options that can be applied to any command.

            description: Environment
            default: dev

            - echo "Running on environment ${options.env}"

Now you can run the command and change the value of the command option dynamically:

./bin/console test:command --env=prod


See Contributing.