
Configuration management libraray for PHP

1.0.7 2016-06-10 00:51 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-28 19:41:47 UTC


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See new lib at phoole/config


phossa-config is a configuration management library for PHP. The design idea is inspired by another github project mrjgreen/config but with lots of cool features.

It requires PHP 5.4 and supports PHP 7.0+, HHVM. It is compliant with PSR-1, PSR-2, PSR-4.


  • One central place for all config files

     |____ production/
     |        |
     |        |____ host1/
     |        |       |___ redis.php
     |        |       |___ db.php
     |        |
     |        |____ db.php
     |____ system.php
     |____ db.php
     |____ redis.php
  • Use an environment value, e.g. production or production/host1 for switching between development, staging or production.

  • Support .php, .json, .ini and .xml type of configuration files.

  • Reference is possible, such as ${system.tmpdir} in configuration file and environment file.

  • On demand configuration loading (lazy loading).

  • Able to load all configuration files in one shot with $config->get(null)

  • Configuration cache.

  • Hierachy configuration structure with dot notation like

    // returns an array
    $db_config = $config->get('db');
    // returns a string
    $db_host = $config->get('');
  • Both flat notation and array notation fully supported and co-exist at the same time.

    // db config file
    return [
        // array notation
        'auth' => [
            'host' => 'localhost',
            'port' => 3306
        // flat notation
        'auth.user' => 'dbuser'
  • Un*x shell style environment file '.env' is supported with dereferencing feature and magic environment values like ${__DIR__} and ${__FILE__}


Install via the composer utility.

composer require "phossa/phossa-config=1.*"

or add the following lines to your composer.json

    "require": {
      "phossa/phossa-config": "1.*"


  • Running Environment

    Usually running environment is different for different servers. A good practice is setting environment in a .env file in the installation root and put all configuration files in the config/ directory.

    Sample .env file,

    # debugging true|false, change to 'false' ON production server
    # App environment, change to 'prod' ON production server
    # app root directory, default to current dir
    # central configuration directory

    In the bootstrap.php file,

    // load environment
    (new Phossa\Config\Env\Environment())->load(__DIR__.'/.env');
    // create config object
    $config = new Phossa\Config\Config(
        getenv('CONFIG_DIR'), // loaded from .env file
        getenv('APP_ENV')     // loaded from .env file
    // load all configs in one shot
    $conf_data = $config->get(null);
  • Grouping

    Configurations are grouped into groups, namely files. For example, the system.php holds all system.* configurations

    // system.php
    return [
        'tmpdir' => '/usr/local/tmp',

    Later, system related configs can be retrieved as

    $dir = $config->get('system.tmpdir');

    Or being used in other configs as reference.

  • Caching

    A cache pool can be passed to the config constructor to have it read all configs from the cache or save all configs to cache.

    // create config object
    $config = new Phossa\Config\Config(
        dirname(__DIR__) . '/config',     // the config dir
        'staging/server2',                // config env
        'php',                            // file type
        new Phossa\Config\Cache\Cache(__DIR__ . '/cache') // cache location
    // if cache exists, this will read all configs from the cache
    $conf_data = $config->get(null);
    // ...
    // write to cache
    • Pros of using caching

      • Speed up. Read from one file instead of lots of configuration files.

      • References like ${system.tmpdir} are done already.

    • Cons of using caching

      • Config data might be stale. need to using $config->save() to overwrite or $cache->clear() to clear the cache.

      • Need write permission to a cache directory.

      • Might expose your configuration if you are not careful with cache data.

  • Reference

    References make your configuration easy to manage.

    For example, in the system.php

    // group: system
    return [
        'tmpdir' => '/var/local/tmp',

    In your cache.php file,

    // group: cache
    return [
        // a local filesystem cache driver
        'local' => [
            'driver' => 'filesystem',
            'params' => [
                'root_dir'   => '${system.tmpdir}/cache',
                'hash_level' => 2

    You may reset the reference start and ending chars,

    // now reference is something like '%system.tmpdir%'
    $config = (new Config())->setReferencePattern('%', '%');

    Or even disable the reference feature,

    // now reference is not recognised
    $config = (new Config())->setReferencePattern('', '');
  • Overwriting

    If the environment is set to production/host1, the precedence order is,

    • config/production/host1/db.php over

    • config/production/db.php over

    • config/config/db.php

  • Config API

    • get($key, $default = null)

      $key is the a flat notation like or NULL to get all of the configurations. $default is used if no configs found.

      Return value might be a string or array base on the $key.

    • set($key, $value)

      Set the configuration manually in this session. The value will NOT be reflected in any config files unless you modify config file manually.

      $value can be a string or array.

    • has($key)

      Test if $key exists or not. Returns a boolean value.

    • save()

      Save current full configurations into a cache.


  • 1.0.6 added setReferencePattern(), hasReference() and deReference()


  • PHP >= 5.4.0

  • phossa/phossa-shared ~1.0.10


MIT License