
PSR-6 and PSR-16 cache implementation using AWS DynamoDB

0.0.1 2021-05-26 10:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-26 22:16:33 UTC


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Fork of to use AWS Async DynamoDb.

Library for storing cache in DynamoDB implementing the PSR-6 and PSR-16 interfaces. See also Symfony bundle of this library.


composer require omnilog/psr6-dynamo-db


The usage is pretty straight-forward, you just define the details in constructor and then use it as any other PSR-6 or PSR-16 implementation:


use Omnilog\DynamoDbCache\DynamoDbCache;
use Omnilog\DynamoDbCache\DynamoDbCacheBuilder;
use AsyncAws\DynamoDb\DynamoDbClient;

$cache = new DynamoDbCache('dynamoTableName', new DynamoDbClient([]));

// with custom field names
$cache = new DynamoDbCache('dynamoTableName', new DynamoDbClient([]), 'customPrimaryKeyField', 'customTtlField', 'customValueField');

// using builder
$cache = DynamoDbCacheBuilder::create('dynamoTableName', new DynamoDbClient([]))

It's recommended to use the builder for creating new instances. The builder is immutable and every method returns a new instance.

The default values for fields are:

  • primary key - id (string)
  • ttl field - ttl (number)
  • value field - value (string)

You must create the DynamoDB table before using this library.

Basic example:

use AsyncAws\DynamoDb\DynamoDbClient;
use Omnilog\DynamoDbCache\DynamoDbCache;

function get(string $key): string
    $dynamoDbClient = new DynamoDbClient([
        'region' => 'eu-central-1',
        'version' => 'latest'
    $cache = new DynamoDbCache('cache', $dynamoDbClient); // the default field names are used - id, ttl and value
    $item = $cache->getItem($key);
    if ($item->isHit()) {
        return $item->get();    

    // do something to fetch the item
    $result = '...';

    $item->expiresAfter(3600); // expire after one hour
    if (!$cache->save($item)) {
        throw new RuntimeException('Could not save cache');

    return $result;

Example using the PSR-16 interface:


use AsyncAws\DynamoDb\DynamoDbClient;
use Omnilog\DynamoDbCache\DynamoDbCache;

function get(string $key): string
    $dynamoDbClient = new DynamoDbClient([
        'region' => 'eu-central-1',
        'version' => 'latest'
    $cache = new DynamoDbCache('cache', $dynamoDbClient); // the default field names are used - id, ttl and value

    $value = $cache->get($key);
    if ($value !== null) {
        return $value;
    // do something to fetch the item
    $result = '...';

    if (!$cache->set($key, $result, 3600)) {
       throw new RuntimeException('Could not save cache');     
    return $result;


You can automatically prefix all keys in DynamoDB by using the prefix configuration like this:


use Omnilog\DynamoDbCache\DynamoDbCacheBuilder;
use AsyncAws\DynamoDb\DynamoDbClient;

$cache = DynamoDbCacheBuilder::create('myTable', new DynamoDbClient([]))

$item = $cache->getItem('key1'); // fetches an item with key myCustomPrefix#key1
$key = $item->getKey(); // $key holds the full key including prefix, myCustomPrefix#key1


This implementation supports all instances of \Psr\Cache\CacheItemInterface with the use of converters which convert the object to \Omnilog\DynamoDbCache\DynamoCacheItem. Note that some information may be lost in the conversion, notably expiration date.

You can write your own converter for your specific class which includes support for expiration date like this:


use Omnilog\DynamoDbCache\Converter\CacheItemConverterInterface;
use Psr\Cache\CacheItemInterface;
use Omnilog\DynamoDbCache\DynamoCacheItem;
use Omnilog\DynamoDbCache\Encoder\SerializeItemEncoder;

class MyCacheItemConverter implements CacheItemConverterInterface
     * If this methods returns true, the converter will be used
    public function supports(CacheItemInterface $cacheItem): bool
        return $cacheItem instanceof MyCacheItem;
    public function convert(CacheItemInterface $cacheItem): DynamoCacheItem
        assert($cacheItem instanceof MyCacheItem);
        return new DynamoCacheItem(
            $cacheItem->getExpirationDate(), // this is a custom method from the hypothetical MyCacheItem
            new SerializeItemEncoder()

You then need to register it in the converter and assign the converter to the cache:


use Omnilog\DynamoDbCache\Converter\CacheItemConverterRegistry;
use Omnilog\DynamoDbCache\DynamoDbCache;
use AsyncAws\DynamoDb\DynamoDbClient;
use Omnilog\DynamoDbCache\DynamoDbCacheBuilder;

// you don't need to add the default one as well, it will be added automatically if it's missing
$converter = new CacheItemConverterRegistry(new MyCacheItemConverter());
$dynamoClient = new DynamoDbClient([]);
$cache = DynamoDbCacheBuilder::create('myTable', $dynamoClient)

$myOldCache = new MyCacheImplementation();
$cacheItem = $myOldCache->getItem('test'); // this is now an instance of MyCacheItem

// your custom converter will get used to convert it to DynamoCacheItem
// if you didn't supply your own converter, the \Omnilog\DynamoDbCache\Converter\DefaultCacheItemConverter
// would be used and the information about expiration date would be lost


By default the values are serialized using php serializer. If you want to share the cache with apps in other languages (or different php app that doesn't have the same classes), you can either use the \Omnilog\DynamoDbCache\Encoder\JsonItemEncoder or write your own.

Note: The JsonItemEncoder is lossy when it comes to objects, if you need to store object information this encoder might not be for you. If you on the other hand only store scalar data and/or arrays the JsonItemEncoder is enough.

Example using JsonItemEncoder

use Omnilog\DynamoDbCache\DynamoDbCache;
use Omnilog\DynamoDbCache\DynamoDbCacheBuilder;
use AsyncAws\DynamoDb\DynamoDbClient;
use Omnilog\DynamoDbCache\Encoder\JsonItemEncoder;

$encoder = new JsonItemEncoder(); // with default flags and depth
$encoder = new JsonItemEncoder(JSON_PRETTY_PRINT, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR, 100); // with custom encode and decode flags and depth

$cache = DynamoDbCacheBuilder::create('myTable', new DynamoDbClient([]))

Your values will now be saved json encoded in DynamoDB.

Writing your own encoder is easy, you just need to implement the \Omnilog\DynamoDbCache\Encoder\CacheItemEncoderInterface interface:


use Omnilog\DynamoDbCache\Encoder\CacheItemEncoderInterface;

class MyEncoder implements CacheItemEncoderInterface
     * @param mixed $input
     * @return string
    public function encode($input) : string
        // TODO: Implement encode() method.

     * @param string $input
     * @return mixed
    public function decode(string $input)
        // TODO: Implement decode() method.