
The Microsoft Graph Core SDK for PHP

v2.2.0 2024-06-24 15:18 UTC


Latest Stable Version Coverage

Install the Core Library

To install the microsoft-graph-core library with Composer, either run composer require microsoft/microsoft-graph-core, or edit your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        // x-release-please-start-version
        "microsoft/microsoft-graph-core": "^2.2.0"
        // x-release-please-end

Get started with Microsoft Graph

1. Register your application

Register your application to use the Microsoft Graph API by following the steps at Register an application with the Microsoft Identity platform.

2. Authenticate with the Microsoft Graph service

The Microsoft Graph Core SDK for PHP does not include any default authentication implementations. The thephpleague/oauth2-client library will handle the OAuth2 flow for you and provide a usable token for querying the Graph.

To authenticate as an application, please see this guide to configure the right permissions.

You can use the Guzzle HTTP client, which comes preinstalled with this library, to get an access token like this:

$tokenRequestContext = new ClientCredentialContext(
// requests using scopes by default
$tokenProvider = new GraphPhpLeagueAccessTokenProvider($tokenRequestContext);
$token = $tokenProvider->getAuthorizationTokenAsync(GraphConstants::REST_ENDPOINT)->wait();

3. Create a Guzzle HTTP client object

You can create a Guzzle HTTP client object pre-configured for use with the Graph API using our GraphClientFactory. The GraphClientFactory sets some Guzzle config defaults such as connection and request timeouts, and the base_uri to your preferred National Cloud endpoint.

In the near future, the GraphClientFactory will provide some default middleware to use with the Graph API such as retry handlers.

use Microsoft\Graph\Core\GraphClientFactory;

$guzzleConfig = [
    // your preferred guzzle config

$httpClient = GraphClientFactory::createWithConfig($guzzleConfig);

4. Call Microsoft Graph using the v1.0 endpoint

The following is an example that shows how to call Microsoft Graph.

use Microsoft\Graph\Core\GraphClientFactory;

class UsageExample
    public function run()
        $accessToken = 'xxx';

        $config = [
            'headers' => [
                'Authorization' => $accessToken

        $httpClient = GraphClientFactory::createWithConfig($config);
        $response = $httpClient->get("/v1.0/me");
        $currentUser = json_decode($response->getBody());

        echo "Hello, I am {$currentUser['givenName']}";

We provide Microsoft Graph models for easy serialization and deserialization.

If you would like to leverage the models we provide, please take a look at the Microsoft Graph PHP SDK and for beta models - the Microsoft Graph Beta PHP SDK.

Documentation and resources


Run Tests



from the base directory.

Debug tests on Windows

This SDK has an XDebug run configuration that attaches the debugger to VS Code so that you can debug tests.

  1. Install the PHP Debug extension into Visual Studio Code.
  2. From the root of this repo, using PowerShell, run php .\tests\GetPhpInfo.php | clip from the repo root. This will copy PHP configuration information into the clipboard which we will use in the next step.
  3. Paste your clipboard into the XDebug Installation Wizard and select Analyse my phpinfo() output.
  4. Follow the generated instructions for installing XDebug. Note that the /ext directory is located in your PHP directory.
  5. Add the following info to your php.ini file:
xdebug.remote_enable = 1
xdebug.remote_autostart = 1

Now you can hit a Visual Studio Code breakpoint in a test. Try this:

  1. Add a breakpoint to testCreateWithConfigCreatesClient in .\tests\Http\GraphClientFactoryTest.php.
  2. Run the Listen for XDebug configuration in VS Code.
  3. Run .\vendor\bin\phpunit --filter testCreateWithConfigCreatesClient from the PowerShell terminal to run the test and hit the breakpoint.


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Copyright and license

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the MIT license.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.