
Sends your logs to LogVice.com web services or your personal LogVice installation or to a local file.

0.1.4 2017-01-12 22:19 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-06 17:28:02 UTC


LogVice\PHPLogger - PHP Logging made easy.

Build Status Coverage Status Total Downloads Software License

LogVice\PHPLogger sends your logs to LogVice.com service or to your own LogVice platform installation. This library implements the PSR-3 standards.


Install the latest version

composer require logvice/phplogger

Basic Usage


use LogVice\PHPLogger\Logger;
use LogVice\PHPLogger\Config;
use LogVice\PHPLogger\Output\TCPOutput;
use LogVice\PHPLogger\Output\UDPOutput;

// create a config instance
$config = new Config();
    new TCPOutput('', '8080'),
    new UDPOutput('', '514'),

// create a log instance
$log = new Logger($config);

// add records to the log
$log->log(Logger::ERROR, 'foo');

Register Error, Exception and Shutdown handlers

set_error_handler(function ($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
    // create a config instance
    $config = new LogVice\PHPLogger\Config();
        new LogVice\PHPLogger\Output\TCPOutput('', '8080'),
        new LogVice\PHPLogger\Output\UDPOutput('', '514'),
        new LogVice\PHPLogger\Output\FileOutput('path/to/logs', 'file-name', true)

    // create a log instance
    $logger = new LogVice\PHPLogger\Logger($config);

    $logger->handleError($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline);

set_exception_handler(function ($exception) {
    // create a config instance
    $config = new LogVice\PHPLogger\Config();
        new LogVice\PHPLogger\Output\TCPOutput('', '8080'),
        new LogVice\PHPLogger\Output\UDPOutput('', '514'),
        new LogVice\PHPLogger\Output\FileOutput('path/to/logs', 'file-name', true)

    // create a log instance
    $logger = new LogVice\PHPLogger\Logger($config);


register_shutdown_function(function () {
    // create a config instance
    $config = new LogVice\PHPLogger\Config();
        new LogVice\PHPLogger\Output\TCPOutput('', '8080'),
        new LogVice\PHPLogger\Output\UDPOutput('', '514'),
        new LogVice\PHPLogger\Output\FileOutput('path/to/logs', 'file-name', true)

    // create a log instance
    $logger = new LogVice\PHPLogger\Logger($config);




  • PHPLogger works with PHP 5.4 or above..

Submitting bugs and feature requests

Bugs and feature request use GitHub


Alban Kora - ankdeveloper@gmail.com - http://twitter.com/albankora


PHPLogger is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details