
Koded HTTP component. Implements PSR-7, PSR-17 and PSR-18

3.1.1 2022-01-25 11:14 UTC

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Koded HTTP library implements PSR-7 (HTTP message), PSR-17 (HTTP Factories) and PSR-18 (HTTP Client).

To have more useful everyday methods for your projects, the request and response instances are extended with additional interfaces.


class ServerRequest extends ClientRequest implements Request {}

This object represents the incoming server-side HTTP request.


class ClientRequest implements RequestInterface, JsonSerializable {}

This object is a representation of an outgoing client-side HTTP request.


class ServerResponse implements Response, JsonSerializable {}

This object represents the outgoing server-side response.


This value object represents a file uploaded through the HTTP request.

HTTP Factory

Implementation of PSR-17 (HTTP Factories).


use Koded\Http\HttpFactory;

$httpFactory = new HttpFactory;

$clientRequest = $httpFactory->createRequest('GET', '/');
$serverRequest = $httpFactory->createServerRequest('GET', '/');

$response = $httpFactory->createResponse(201);

$stream = $httpFactory->createStream('Hello there');
$stream = $httpFactory->createStreamFromFile('file.name', '+w');
$stream = $httpFactory->createStreamFromResource($resource);

$uri = $httpFactory->createUri('/');

$uploadedFile = $httpFactory->createUploadedFile($stream);

HTTP clients

There are 2 implementations for ClientRequest interface

  • PHP stream
  • curl

To create instances of HTTP clients, use the Koded\Http\Client\ClientFactory class


use Koded\Http\Client\ClientFactory;

$http = new ClientFactory(ClientFactory::CURL); // or ClientFactory::PHP

$http->get('/', $headers);
$http->post('/', $body, $headers);
$http->put('/', $body, $headers);
$http->patch('/', $body, $headers);
$http->delete('/', $headers);
$http->head('/', $headers);

$headers are optional.

HTTP Client (PSR-18)

Implementation of PSR-18 (HTTP Client).


use Koded\Http\Client\ClientFactory;
use Koded\Http\ClientRequest;

$request = new ClientRequest('POST', 'https://...', ['foo' => 'bar']);
$response = (new ClientFactory)->sendRequest($request);

Additional interfaces

Additional interfaces

  • Koded\Http\Request
  • Koded\Http\Response

These two may be useful in your project as they provide additional methods for request/response objects state.


  • getPath(): string
  • getBaseUri(): string
  • withAttributes(array $attributes): Request
  • isSecure(): bool
  • isSafeMethod(): bool
  • isXHR(): bool


  • getContentType(): string


Both Request and Response extends this interface, thus providing the extra methods:

  • withHeaders(array $headers): static
  • replaceHeaders(array $headers): static
  • getFlattenedHeaders(): array
  • getCanonicalizedHeaders(array $names = []): string


The idea here is to have a basic mechanism for validating the incoming request data. Validation is done in an instance of HttpInputValidator object by calling the Request::validate(HttpInputValidator $validator) method.

HttpInputValidator::validate() should return array, in case of

  • empty array, the validation went fine
  • a hash (['key' => 'value', ...]), with information what went wrong if incoming data is not valid

The error handling is done in the application. A naive example:

class FormValidator implements HttpInputValidator {

    public function validate(Data $input): array {
        if (empty($input->get('username'))) {
            return ['message' => 'Username is required'];
       return []; 

// Somewhere in your app, use the `Request` object to run validation

if ($response = $request->validate(new FormValidator)) {
    // {"message":"Username is required","status":400}
    return $response;

The error response will always have a status code set (status value) in the error message.
If the status code is not provided in the validation, the default is 400 Bad Request.


The code is distributed under the terms of The 3-Clause BSD license.