irfantoor / terminal
Irfan's Terminal : A terminal for your cli or html clients
2021-12-18 21:32 UTC
- php: >= 7.3
Requires (Dev)
- irfantoor/mini-loader: ~0.1
A terminal for your cli or html clients.
See different examples in the examples folder.
<?php require dirname(__DIR__) . "/vendor/autoload.php"; use IrfanTOOR\Terminal; $t = new Terminal; # printing with style $t->write("Hello ", "green"); $t->writeln("World ", "red"); # use writeMultiple to write multiple lines. $t->writeMultiple( [ 'These are multiple lines', 'with a common style applied', 'to all lines' ], 'bg_blue, white' ); # reading from console $response = $t->read("Are you ok? [Y/N] ", "info"); $t->write("you responded with: "); $t->writeln($response, "info, reverse");
Foreground Styles
- none
- bold
- dark
- italic
- underline
- blink
- reverse
- concealed
- default
- black
- red
- green
- yellow
- blue
- magenta
- cyan
- light_gray
- dark_gray
- light_red
- light_green
- light_yellow
- light_blue
- light_magenta
- light_cyan
- white
Background Styles
- bg_default
- bg_black
- bg_red
- bg_green
- bg_yellow
- bg_blue
- bg_magenta
- bg_cyan
- bg_light_gray
- bg_dark_gray
- bg_light_red
- bg_light_green
- bg_light_yellow
- bg_light_blue
- bg_light_magenta
- bg_light_cyan
- bg_white
Theme Styles
- info
- error
- warning
- success
- note
- footnote
- url
Note: All the theme styles can be modiied by providing the definition while creating the console. or by using the function setTheme.
<?php require dirname(__DIR__) . "/vendor/autoload.php"; $t = new IrfanTOOR\Terminal(); $t->setTheme( [ 'info' => 'bg_black, yellow', 'url' => 'red, underline', ] ); # Theme $t->writeln("Modified theme >> info", "info"); $t->writeln("", "url"); $t->setTheme( [ 'url' => 'red, bg_light_yellow, underline' ] ); $t->writeln("", "url");