irfantoor / collection
Collection implementing ArrayAccess, Countable and IteratorAggregate
- php: >=7.3
Requires (Dev)
- irfantoor/test: ~0.7
Collection implementing ArrayAccess, Countable and IteratorAggregate
The identifiers can use dot notation to access an identifier down a hierarchical
level, e.g. to access $config['debug']['log']['file']
you can code in
doted notation as: $config['debug.log.file']
You can initialize by passing an array of key value pairs while creating a new instance.
<?php use IrfanTOOR\Collection; $init = [ 'app' => [ 'name' => 'My App', 'version' => '1.1', ], 'debug' => [ 'level' => 1, 'log' => [ 'enabled' => 0, 'channel' => 'DEBUG', 'file' => '/tmp/debug.log', ], ] ]; $app = new IrfanTOOR\Collection($init);
You can by set an identifier in the collection by using the method 'set':
use IrfanTOOR\Collection; $app = new IrfanTOOR\Collection(); # setting hello => world $app->set('hello', 'world'); # using an array notation $app['hello'] = 'world'; # defining multiple $app->setMultiple([ 'hello' => 'world', 'box' => 'empty', 'something' => null, 'array' => [ 'action' => 'go', 'step' => 1, ], ]); # defining sub values $app->set('', 'Another App'); $app->set('debug.level', 2);
or by using array access mechanism:
$app['hello'] = 'world'; $app['debug.log.file'] = '/my/debug/log/file.log';
You can get the stored value in the collection by its identifier using the method 'get':
$debug_level = $app->get('debug.level'); # returns the value stored against this identifier or returns 0 if the identifier # is not present in the collection $debug_log_level = $app->get('debug.log.level', 0);
you can also use the array access:
$debug_level = $app['debug.level']; # returns the value stored against this identifier or returns 0 if the identifier # is not present in the collection $debug_log_level = $app['debug.log.level'] ?? 0;
Checking if a value is present in the collection
You can use the method 'has' to check if the collection has an entry identified with the identifier id:
if ($app->has('debug.level')) { # this will be executed even if the given identifier has the value NULL, 0 # or false echo 'debug.level is present in the collection' }
using the array access the above code will become:
if (isset($app['debug.level']) { # this will be executed even if the given identifier has the value NULL, 0 # or false echo 'debug.level is present in the collection' }
Removing an entry
You can use the method 'remove' or unset on the element:
# using method remove $app->remove('debug.level'); # using unset unset($app['debug.level']);
Collection to Array
The method 'toArray' can be used to convert the collection into an array:
$array = $app->toArray();
Array of identifiers
The array of identifiers can be retrieved by using the method 'keys':
$ids_array = $app->keys();
The number of items present in the collection can be retrieved using the method 'count'. Note that it will return the count of the items at base level.
# will return 2 for the Collection defined in initialization section $count = $app->count();
The collection can directly be used in a foreach loop or wherever an iterator is used. for example the code:
foreach($app->toArray() as $k => $v) { print_r([$k => $v]); }
can be simplified as:
foreach($app as $k => $v) { print_r([$k => $v]); }
A collection can be made read only when once it is initialised by using the lock function, the values can not be added, modified, or removed from the collection afterwards.
Use case for a readonly collection is configuration of an application.
$config = new IrfanTOOR\Collection([ 'app' => [ 'name' => 'My App', 'version' => '1.1', ], 'debug' => [ 'level' => 1, 'log' => [ 'enabled' => 0, 'channel' => 'DEBUG', 'file' => '/tmp/debug.log', ], ] ]); $config->lock(); # will not modify the values $config->set('debug.level', 0); $config->set('app.version', '1.2'); # will not remove the value $config->remove('debug.log');
Utility fuctions
Returns the collection of the elements which return true
NOTE: $callback function must uses parameters in the following order for the provided callback function: param_1 $value Value of the current element param_2 $key Key of the current element
$c = new Collection(['10', 1, 2, 3, 4]); $callback = function ($key, $value) { return is_int($value); }; $int = $c->filter($callback); # 1, 2, 3, 4
Returns a collection with the callback applied to the element values of this collection:
$callback = function ($key, $value) { return $value * $value; }; # int is the collection from previous example $int2 = $int->map($callback); # 1, 4, 9, 16
Reduces the array to a result, by applying the function to all of its elements
NOTE: $callback function must uses parameters in the following order: param_1 $carry Result of callback operation on the previous element param_2 $value Value of the current element param_3 $key Key of the current element
$callback = function ($key, $value, $carry) { return $carry + $value; }; $sum = $int2->reduce($callback); # 30