A slim, PSR 11, framework-agnostic DI container

v3.1.0 2023-04-15 23:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-16 02:21:34 UTC



EDICT (Easy DI ConTainer) is a slim, PSR 11, framework-agnostic dependency injection container.

Cool features:

  • Autowiring support (can be toggled off)
  • PHP attributes support
  • 100% tested and documented
  • Uses an up-to-date PHP version


Info Value
Latest release Packagist Version
Requires PHP from Packagist
License Packagist
Unit tests tests
Code coverage Code Coverage
Code quality code-quality
Quality tested with phpunit, phan, psalm, phpcs, phpstan, phpmd, infection


composer require ingenioz-it/edict

How to use

To learn more about how to use Edict, please refer to the wiki.

Full documentation

You can list the available features by running

composer testdox

The corresponding code samples are located in the unit tests file.