clock, system and random interfaces

dev-main 2023-05-12 10:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-12 14:07:56 UTC


Very light and agnostic set of interfaces and implementations designed to fake or render unpredictable return values of some PHP native functions.


composer require holistic-agency/frozen:dev-main



The Clock now() method returns a new DateTimeImmutable object with the current time acccording to the php date.timezone setting.

The FrozenClock now() method returns the DateTimeInterface object passed to the constructor.

// src/MyClass.php
use HolisticAgency\Frozen\ClockInterface;

class MyClass
    public function myMethod(ClockInterface $clock)
        // some code ...

        $now = $clock->now()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s T');

        // some code ...

// src/Elsewhere.php
use HolisticAgency\Frozen\Clock;

$myClass = new Myclass();
$myClass->myMethod(new Clock());

// tests/MyClassTest.php
use HolisticAgency\Frozen\FrozenClock;

class MyClassTest
    public function testMyMethod()
        // Given
        $myTestClass = new MyClass();
        $frozen = new FrozenClock(new DateTimeImmutable('2022-02-05 16:32:29 CET'));

        // When
        $actual = $myTestClass->myMethod($frozen);

        // Then
        // assert what you need
        // knowing $now is equal to '2022-02-05 16:32:29 CET'
        // inside myMethod()


The Randomizer random() method returns an integer from a mt_rand() call.

The FrozenRandomizer random() method returns the value passed to the constructor.

$random = new Randomizer();
$unknon = $random->random(); // an integer between 0 and PHP_INT_MAX included

$random = new Randomizer(1, 6);
$dieType = 'D' . strval($random->max); // D6
$dieRoll = $random->random() ; // an integer between 1 and 6 included
if ($dieRoll == $this->min) {
    echo 'You loose.'; // if 1 is rolled

$guesser = new FrozenRandomizer(10);
$cheater = $guesser->random(); // Always 10





// src/MyNetwork.php
use HolisticAgency\Frozen\NetworkInterface;

class MyNetwork
    public checkIfRemoteIsAvailable(NetworkInterface $system, string $remote): bool
        return $system->resolve($remote) != '';

// tests/MyNetworkTest.php
use HolisticAgency\Frozen\FrozenNetwork;

class MyNetworkTest
    public function testCheckIfRemoteIsAvailable()
        // Given
        $myTestClass = new MyNetwork();
        $frozen = new FrozenNetwork(
            ['proxy.inside.local' => ''],

        // When
        $actual1 = $myTestClass->checkIfRemoteIsAvailable($frozen, '');
        $actual2 = $myTestClass->checkIfRemoteIsAvailable($frozen, 'proxy.inside.local');

        // Then
        // $actual1 is false
        // $actual2 is tue