
Symfony PubSub Router Bundle

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v2.8.0 2022-09-20 01:46 UTC


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GosPubSubRouterBundle is a Symfony Bundle whose goal is to plug any logic behind pubsub channel. When you use PubSub pattern you will make face to a problem, rely channels with business logic. PubSub router is here to make the junction between channel and business logic.



  • Route definition
  • Route matching
  • Route generator


Add the bundle to your project using Composer:

composer require gos/pubsub-router-bundle

Once installed, you will need to add the bundle to your project.

If your project is based on Symfony Flex, the bundle should be automatically added to your config/bundles.php file:

Gos\Bundle\PubSubRouterBundle\GosPubSubRouterBundle::class => ['all' => true],

If your project is based on the Symfony Standard Edition, you will need to add the bundle to your Kernel's registerBundles method by editing app/AppKernel.php:

class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            new \Gos\Bundle\PubSubRouterBundle\GosPubSubRouterBundle()

Bundle configuration

Below is an example bundle configuration. For projects based on Symfony Flex, this should be stored in config/packages/gos_pubsub_router.yaml. For projects based on Symfony Standard Edition, this should be added to app/config/config.yml.

#Gos PubSub Router
        websocket: #available from container through gos_pubsub_router.websocket
                - @GosNotificationBundle/Resources/config/pubsub/websocket/notification.yml
        redis: #available from container through gos_pubsub_router.redis
                - @GosNotificationBundle/Resources/config/pubsub/redis/notification.yml

NOTE : Each router is insulated. If you have several routers in the same class you will need to inject each router that you need.


Routing definition

Example with websocket pubsub

    channel: notification/user/{role}/{application}/{user_ref}
    handler: ['Acme\Chat\MessageHandler', 'addPushers']
        role: "editor|admin|client"
        application: "[a-z]+"
        user_ref: "\d+"

Example with redis pubsub

    channel: notification:user:{role}:{application}:{user_ref}
    handler: ['Acme\Chat\MessageHandler', 'addPushers']
        role: "editor|admin|client"
        application: "[a-z-]+-app"
        user_ref: "\d+"

NOTE : The handler is not typehinted, this allows you to define the handler callback in any way you'd like (such as an array to call a method on a class or a string to call a PHP function or a service from the container).

Use router

Let's generate a route !

$router = $this->container->get('gos_pubsub_router.websocket');
$channel = $router->generate('user_notification', ['role' => 'admin', 'application' => 'blog-app', 'user_ref' => '123']);

echo $channel // notification/user/admin/blog/123

Match your first route !

use Gos\Bundle\PubSubRouterBundle\Request\PubSubRequest;

$channel = 'notification/user/admin/billing-app/639409'; // 'notification/user/admin/billing-app/*' work :)

list($routeName, $route, $attributes) = $router->match($channel);

$request = new PubSubRequest($routeName, $route, $attributes); //Create a request object if you want transport the request data as dependency

//$request->getAttributes()->get('user_ref'); it's a parameterBag

// $router->match($channel);

// $routeName -> 'user_app_notification
// $route -> instance of Gos\Bundle\PubSubRouterBundle\Router\Route
// $attributes -> [ 'role' => 'admin', 'application' => 'billing-app', 'user_ref' => '639409' ]

What about mismatch?

use Gos\Bundle\PubSubRouterBundle\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException;

$channel = 'notification/user/admin/billing-app/azerty'; // will miss match

try {
    list($routeName, $route, $attributes) = $router->match($channel);
} catch (ResourceNotFoundException $e) {
    //handle exception
  • If you only need to generate route, typehint against Gos\Bundle\PubSubRouterBundle\Generator\GeneratorInterface
  • If you only need to match route, typehint against Gos\Bundle\PubSubRouterBundle\Matcher\MatcherInterface
  • If you need both, typehint against Gos\Bundle\PubSubRouterBundle\Router\RouterInterface

Router CLI

php bin/console gos:prouter:debug -r websocket dump all registered routes for websocket router


MIT, See LICENSE file in the root of project.