
A lite version of giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php, which is a PHP Port of Google's libphonenumber


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What is it?

A PHP library for parsing, formatting, storing and validating international phone numbers. This library is based on Google's libphonenumber.

This is a lite version that only includes the core Phone Number Utils. To make full use of the library, including geolocation, carrier information and short number info, use giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php


PHP versions 8.1 and above are supported.

The PECL mbstring extension is required.

It is recommended to use composer to install the library.

$ composer require giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php-lite

You can also use any other PSR-4 compliant autoloader.

PHP Version Policy

This library will be updated to use supported versions of PHP only. At the moment, the main giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php library supports older PHP versions.


Highlights of functionality

  • Parsing/formatting/validating phone numbers for all countries/regions of the world.
  • getNumberType - gets the type of the number based on the number itself; able to distinguish Fixed-line, Mobile, Toll-free, Premium Rate, Shared Cost, VoIP and Personal Numbers (whenever feasible).
  • isNumberMatch - gets a confidence level on whether two numbers could be the same.
  • getExampleNumber/getExampleNumberByType - provides valid example numbers for all countries/regions, with the option of specifying which type of example phone number is needed.
  • isValidNumber - full validation of a phone number for a region using length and prefix information.


This library will try to follow the same version numbers as Google. There could be additional releases where needed to fix critical issues that can not wait until the next release from Google.

This does mean that this project may not follow Semantic Versioning, but instead Google's version policy. As a result, jumps in major versions may not actually contain any backwards incompatible changes. Please read the release notes for such releases.

Google try to release their versions according to Semantic Versioning, as laid out of in their Versioning Guide.

Quick Examples

Let's say you have a string representing a phone number from Switzerland. This is how you parse/normalize it into a PhoneNumber object:

$swissNumberStr = "044 668 18 00";
$phoneUtil = \libphonenumber\PhoneNumberUtil::getInstance();
try {
    $swissNumberProto = $phoneUtil->parse($swissNumberStr, "CH");
} catch (\libphonenumber\NumberParseException $e) {

At this point, swissNumberProto contains:

class libphonenumber\PhoneNumber#9 (7) {
 private $countryCode =>
 private $nationalNumber =>
 private $extension =>
 private $italianLeadingZero =>
 private $rawInput =>
 private $countryCodeSource =>
 private $preferredDomesticCarrierCode =>

Now let us validate whether the number is valid:

$isValid = $phoneUtil->isValidNumber($swissNumberProto);
var_dump($isValid); // true

There are a few formats supported by the formatting method, as illustrated below:

// Produces "+41446681800"
echo $phoneUtil->format($swissNumberProto, \libphonenumber\PhoneNumberFormat::E164);

// Produces "044 668 18 00"
echo $phoneUtil->format($swissNumberProto, \libphonenumber\PhoneNumberFormat::NATIONAL);

// Produces "+41 44 668 18 00"
echo $phoneUtil->format($swissNumberProto, \libphonenumber\PhoneNumberFormat::INTERNATIONAL);

You could also choose to format the number in the way it is dialled from another country:

// Produces "011 41 44 668 1800", the number when it is dialled in the United States.
echo $phoneUtil->formatOutOfCountryCallingNumber($swissNumberProto, "US");

// Produces "00 41 44 668 18 00", the number when it is dialled in Great Britain.
echo $phoneUtil->formatOutOfCountryCallingNumber($swissNumberProto, "GB");


Problems with Invalid Numbers?

This library uses phone number metadata from Google's libphonenumber. If this library is working as intended, it should provide the same result as the Java version of Google's project.

If you believe that a phone number is returning an incorrect result, first test it with libphonenumber via their Online Demo. If that returns the same result as this project, and you feel it is in error, raise it as an Issue with the libphonenumber project.

If Google's Online Demo gives a different result to the libphonenumber-for-php demo, then please raise an Issue on the giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php project.

If giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php differs from this library, please raise an issue here instead.

Generating data

Generating the data is not normally needed, as this repository will generally always have the up to data metadata.

If you do need to generate the data, the commands are provided by Phing. Ensure you have all the dev composer dependencies installed, then run

$ vendor/bin/phing compile

This compile task clones the libphonenumber project at the version specified in METADATA-VERSION.php.