
Evolution CMS is a Content Management System, ex MODX Evolution

3.2.5 2024-05-31 09:31 UTC



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What is Evolution CMS

Evolution CMS is an open source Content Management System and Application Framework.


Initially inspired by Etomite 0.6, then it has been MODX Evolution 0.7 - 1.0.8 is an ongoing project written by Raymond Irving and a core team of contributors MODX, and now its Evolution CMS maintained by Dmytro Lukianenko and a core team of contributors at the Evolution CMS Project.


Evolution CMS is distributed under the GPL license and is now run by a professional team of developers from all over the world. Visit the Forums for more information.


Evolution CMS provides a fast, lightweight and powerful framework on which to deploy and secure your website and web applications.

For example, it gives you a true system for registered web users and groups that is separate from administration users. You can grant some web users access to one page and others access to another page.

For content management, you can easily duplicate documents, folders (and all their children!), chunks and snippets.

Most significant, though, is Evolution CMS's ability to empower you to quickly and easily create and maintain a rich and dynamic website like never before.


You can use the single click installer: Evolution CMS Installer Evolution CMS 3.2.x requires PHP >= 8.1


Run command php core/artisan salo:install for generating docker-compose.yml file. And php core/artisan salo:build for build Docker container.

To run Evolution CMS using Docker, run the php core/artisan salo:up command in the terminal. Additional configuration and access options can be found in the docker-compose.yml file and the docker folder.

To stop the container, use the php core/artisan salo:down command.

For Windows

See documentation for install WSL https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-manual


Official Website: https://evo.im/

Telegram group: https://t.me/evolutioncms

English Forum: https://forum.evo.im

Download: https://github.com/evolution-cms/evolution/releases

Previous Releases: https://modx.com/download/evolution/previous-releases.html

Extras / Add-ons: https://extras.evo.im

Documentation: https://docs.evo.im

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS7ZUn62Qln_OhHSVaFTTig