
Generates beautiful PHP documentation

dev-master 2015-10-16 16:33 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-23 00:47:31 UTC


The PHP documentation generator that uses your existing source code! Based on the awesome Docco Javascript documentation generator (but with improvements for PHP!). This package builds on the work by xeoncross/pocco . Differences between this and the former, is the use of a much more complete Token Reflection library (See livingstone/reflector) to process source files, and erusev/parsedown to process annotations. This means you can have add markdown to your PHP source code docblocks




First you need to install the library using Composer. Create a composer.json file in your documentation folder and type this:

    "minimum-stability": "dev",
       {"type": "git", "url": "https://github.com/livingstone/livingstone/reflector.git"},
       {"type": "git", "url": "https://github.com/budkit/budkit-docs.git"},
	"require": {
		"budkit/docs": "dev-master"

After you have created a composer.json file you can install budkit/docs.

$ composer install

Next, create an index.php file in the directory where you intend to create/save the docs e.g in your package 'docs' folder.


//Use composer
$loader = require '../../../autoload.php';

if (!class_exists('Budkit\Docs\Documentor')){
    header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
    die("404 - To see these docs you need to have the budkit/docs dependency installed");

//Tell the documentor where your source files to document are stored
$dir = realpath('../src') . '/';

$default_file_to_show = null;
$requested_file_to_show = isset($_GET['file']) ? $_GET['file'] : null;

$docs = new \Budkit\Docs\Documentor();

if (isset( $_GET['save'] ) ){
    if( $docs->saveHTML($dir) ) {
        //header('Location: '.dirname($dir)."/docs/index.html", true, 301);
        exit("<a href='file://".dirname($dir)."/docs/index.html'>Read The Docs</a><br /><br />NB. Clicking on this link (link to newly created index) does not work in some browsers (e.g safari does now allow opening local files), right-click and copy link or open in new tab.<br/>P.S. Docs from source <code>".$dir."</code> saved in <code>".dirname($dir)."/docs/</code>");

}else {
    if (!$docs->display($dir, $default_file_to_show, $requested_file_to_show)) {
        header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
        die("404 - File not Found");

And that's it. Visit /path/to/docs/index.php to begin reading. If you will like to save static html output. use /path/to/docs/index.php?save=true. Make sure that the process running this script can write to the parent directory of the source files. e.g. if documenting /framework/src make sure it can read/write into /framework to create /framework/docs