
Berlioz Service Container is a PHP library to manage your services with dependencies injection, respecting PSR-11 (Container interface) standard.

v2.3.0 2024-03-26 10:47 UTC


Berlioz Service Container

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Berlioz Service Container is a PHP library to manage your services with dependencies injection, respecting PSR-11 ( Container interface) standard.

For more information, and use of Berlioz Framework, go to website and online documentation :



You can install Berlioz Service Container with Composer, it's the recommended installation.

$ composer require berlioz/service-container


  • PHP ^8.0
  • Packages:
    • psr/container
    • psr/simple-cache



Methods available from PSR-11:

  • get($id)

    PSR-11: Finds an entry of the container by its identifier and returns it.

    Accept a class name.

  • has($id)

    PSR-11: Returns true if the container can return an entry for the given identifier. Returns false otherwise.

Add a service

You can add a service with Container::add() method.

use Berlioz\ServiceContainer\Container;

$container = new Container();
$service = $container->add(MyService::class, 'alias'); // Returns a Berlioz\ServiceContainer\Service\Service object

Or with method Container::addService(), who accept a Service object.

use Berlioz\ServiceContainer\Container;
use Berlioz\ServiceContainer\Service\Service;

$container = new Container();
$service = new Service(MyService::class, 'alias');

Service object

  • Service::public function __construct(
        string|object $class,
        ?string $alias = null,
        callable|string|null $factory = null,
        ?CacheStrategy $cacheStrategy = null,

    Constructor of Service object.

  • Service::setNullable(bool $nullable = true): Service

    Service can be null after factory execution (false by default).

  • Service::setShared(bool $shared = true): Service

    Share a service, always same instance returned for a shared service.

  • Service::addProvide(string ...$provide): Service

    Add provided class/interfaces/alias by service.

  • Service::addArgument(string $name, mixed $value): Service

    Add argument to make an instance of service class.

  • Service::addArguments(array $arguments): Service

    It's an array of arguments, the key must be the name of argument, and the value of key, must be the argument value.

  • Service::addCall(string $method, array $arguments = []): Service

    Method name (and arguments) called just after the construction of object class.

  • Service::addCalls(array $calls = []): void

    It's an array of calls, the key must be the name of called method and value an array of arguments.

  • Service::setFactory(string $factory): Service

    It's the factory static method used to make object.

    Example: MyProject\Name\Space\MyFactory::service


New instance of a class or object:

use Berlioz\ServiceContainer\Instantiator;

$instantiator = new Instantiator();
$object = $instantiator->newInstanceOf(
        'argument1' => 'Value',
        'argument3' => 'Value',
        'argument2' => 'Value'

Invoke a method:

use Berlioz\ServiceContainer\Instantiator;

$instantiator = new Instantiator();
        'argument1' => 'Value',
        'argument3' => 'Value',
        'argument2' => 'Value'

Invoke a function:

use Berlioz\ServiceContainer\Instantiator;

$instantiator = new Instantiator();
        'argument1' => 'Value',
        'argument3' => 'Value',
        'argument2' => 'Value'

In all examples cases, the last argument is an array of parameters to give to the constructor, method or function. The order of arguments is not important.

If parameter is an object, the system get this into the container or try to instantiate the class.

The method Container::call() call the good method of the instantiator according value:

use Berlioz\ServiceContainer\Container;

$container = new Container();
$container->call(fn() => 'test'); // Call closure
$container->call(MyClass::class); // Instantiate the class
$container->call(MyClass::method); // Call static method or instantiate the class and call method 


The inflector is util if you want to inject some dependencies by methods implemented by an interface.

use Berlioz\ServiceContainer\Container;
use Berlioz\ServiceContainer\Inflector\Inflector;

$inflector = new Inflector(
    MyInterface::class, // Interface implemented by object
    'setFoo', // Method to call
    [/*...*/] // Arguments
$container = new Container();

Service provider

In some case, like performances constraints, you need to add a service provider.

A service provider need to implement \Berlioz\ServiceContainer\Provider\ServiceProviderInterface interface. An abstract class \Berlioz\ServiceContainer\Provider\AbstractServiceProvider can help you.

Example of a service provider:

use Berlioz\ServiceContainer\Container;
use Berlioz\ServiceContainer\Provider\AbstractServiceProvider;

class MyServiceProvider extends AbstractServiceProvider
    // Declare services class and alias
    protected array $provides = [stdClass::class, 'service'];
    public function boot(Container $container) : void
        // This method is called when provider is added to container.
        // Add inflectors here.
    public function register(Container $container) : void
         // Add services here
         $container->add(stdClass::class, 'service');

Add your service provider:

use Berlioz\ServiceContainer\Container;

$container = new Container();
$container->addProvider(new MyServiceProvider());

$container->has('service'); // Returns TRUE
$container->get('service'); // Returns an `stdClass` instance