
Library - PSR-6, PSR-16.

v1.0.0 2024-09-09 16:10 UTC

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Last update: 2024-10-09 14:33:42 UTC


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KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) PSR (PHP Standards Recommendations) classes.


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Example PSR-6 Cache

KISS, here we only have PSR-6 adapter of PSR-16 Simple cache.

Note that you can inject your own PSR-20 Clock Interface.

$cache = new \Arnapou\Psr\Psr6Cache\CacheItemPool(
    psr16SimpleCache: $psr16SimpleCache, 
    defaultTtl: 900, 
$item = $cache->getItem('my-key');

Example PSR-16 Simple Cache

There is one thing I didn't implement from the PSR : it is the PSR key characters restriction.

Because I never saw a case during the past 12 years where it was necessary.

The only restrictions implemented are technically (ex memcached).


use Arnapou\Psr\Psr16SimpleCache;

// For runtime, full memory
$cache = new Psr16SimpleCache\ArraySimpleCache(defaultTtl: 900);

// Flat file cache with custom serializer and PSR-20 Clock Interface
$cache = new Psr16SimpleCache\FileSimpleCache(path: '/path/of/cache', defaultTtl: 900);

// Memcached cache with custom serializer and PSR-20 Clock Interface
$cache = new Psr16SimpleCache\MemcachedSimpleCache($memcached);

// Redis cache with custom serializer and PSR-20 Clock Interface
$cache = new Psr16SimpleCache\RedisSimpleCache($redis);

// Does nothing at all
$cache = new Psr16SimpleCache\NullSimpleCache();


use Arnapou\Psr\Psr16SimpleCache\Decorated;

// Helps to reduce I/Os on decorated cache by keeping in memory the values already retrieved
$cache = new Decorated\RuntimeSimpleCache($decorated);

// Helps to isolate keys in "namespaces" for instance
$cache = new Decorated\PrefixSimpleCache($decorated, 'some:prefix');

// Forces the ttl to be in the range wanted to avoid silly TTLs
$cache = new Decorated\TtlRestrictedSimpleCache($decorated, ttlMin: 60, ttlMax: 3600);

// Avoid any writing in that cache
$cache = new Decorated\ReadonlySimpleCache($decorated, throwException: true);

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