Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
oloured data dumper for PHP, similar to print_r() or var_dump().
11 1
Api authentication for Craft CMS
84 1
Simple Mustache-like rendering for PHP
326 1
15 356 0
139 0
Template animation engine using annotated HTML for PHP
11 957 27
Installer for composer, to install laemmi YOURLS plugins.
310 0
Inspect PDO queries for possible SQL injections
7 3
Leverage for Tray Soap WebServices
282 0
Array wrapper for more structured collections for PHP
17 674 0
The Zap Http component.
6 0
The Zap Common component.
15 0
A simple Laravel 5 package to validate form inputs on the go
14 5
Wrapper around Swiftmailer
1 520 0
Event dispatcher for PHP 5.2+